
PORCH PORTRAITS. At a safe distance.

In your pajamas or dressed up. Cup of coffee or glass of wine. Make up or no make up. Toilet or no toilet paper. Pets or no pets. Kids or no kids. Make it funky or keep it “normal”.

Use it as an opportunity to capture those maternity photos you thought you weren’t going to be able to do, high school or college graduate photos, a unique quarantine birthday celebration or simply an updated family photo.

However you want to remember and retell life during this unique time in history.

These are times we will share with our kids, grandkids- a time that will be in history books and created into movies. Regardless of your stance on the current happenings, we are living in a time unlike any other.

Sessions will be 10 minutes- $100

(DATES+TIMES will be between 4/30-5/9 and provided to clients upon receiving inquiries)

In the mean time, if you want to find out more about me on a day to day basis—make sure to follow me on Instagram.