It’s been TWO years since our embryo transfer. A day I’ll never forget, as long as I live…
The build up to a transfer day is unlike any other. You’re giddy, but scared. Excited, but anxious. Literally everything has brought you to this moment. Will they stick or will be have to start all over? I’ve had to fight for and wait for a lot of things in my life… all the things that are worth it, of course. Why would getting pregnant be any different?
Weeks and days prior to your embryo transfer, you teeter back and forth between being over the moon and absolutely terrified. For years, countless baby announcements & baby showers of those around us… Time and time again, a monthly reminder that AGAIN this was not the month. It was honestly hard to even imagine this being any different, as we had never had a positive pregnancy test… ever.
After years of let downs and disappointments, you start to toughen up in some areas, grow thick skin, put up a wall and even become cynical at times at the thought of it happening- as to protect the mustard seed amount of faith tucked away in your heart that it could possibly happen.
Preparing for our transfer day was not only a physical thing, but just as much as an emotional, mental & spiritual thing. I knew I not only had to release control, but I had to trust that the Lord would show up in the final hour, just as he had always done in mine & Mario’s journey— if He saw it fit for us. I had to trust that HIS plan was much greater than my own and He was going to do something beautiful regardless of the outcome.
The physical preparation sucked- plain and simple. I had to get regular injections into my lower back/ upper butt cheek starting a month before our transfer date. Although I have a good number of tattoos, there’s nothing like a needle being injected into your muscle time and time again, on top of weekly blood draws & vaginal ultrasounds for monitoring. I remember being so physically and emotionally exhausted all the time, while my mind and my hormones adjusted to the medication being poked into me every other day. I refused to drink caffeine, because I didn’t want to hinder my chances of the transfer working when the time came, so I was pushing through each day by hope alone.
The weekend before my transfer (like literally days), I went to a bachelorette party in Vegas for one of my best friends, despite some unsure fertility peers of mine about how it would affect me for my transfer day come that Monday. I didn’t drink and one of my other best friends had to do my routine injections for me, while we were out there. It totally helped keep my mind off things, so I didn’t drive myself crazy as I waited and watched the clock each day, knowing it was one hour closer to our transfer. On our drive home, I remember ordering a tank top online that said “Mama Bear”, in faith that I would be able to wear it in less than 2 weeks when I would receive my blood test results. I had done my part, now the rest was up to God. Literally nothing was in my control (if I hadn’t already realized THAT after years of infertility) and I was at peace as day turned to night the eve of my transfer.
Transfer Day was here! Although we were cleared for an earlier month, we chose to wait for a time that felt more responsible with my business, which was such a difficult decision, because it meant waiting longer before we would ever hold our baby in our arms. We got up early the morning of and went to breakfast, almost as if we were celebrating one of our birthdays. It felt unreal as we smiled and giggled back and forth during breakfast, reminiscing everything that brought us to this day. On the drive to the fertility center, we held hands, smiled and tears streamed down my face as Lauren Daigle “Trust In You’ echoed in the car on the stereo.
As we waited in the room, we prayed, laughed & took deep sighs. The nurse came in with a photo of our embryos they would be transferring and we excitedly took a photo with the photo— “Our First Family Photo”.
We transferred two non-genetically tested embryos into my womb. Our “embryo babies” as we call them. To some, they are just “cells”, but to us, these are our babies that already have their DNA code written, making them human & ours.
It’s such a wild feeling and moment when you see two little bubbles with your embryo babies in them float up in your uterus on a screen. Who can say they got to see their babies before they ever even attached in the womb?! The joy we had in the moment and on that day was immeasurable! It would be 10 days before we could find out if we were pregnant and each day would feel like a little kid waiting for Christmas morning or a bride waiting for her wedding day until we would receive a phone call. In the infertility world, this anxiety filled waiting period is called P.U.P.O= pregnant until proven otherwise. Or in Italian, Pupo means “baby”… ;)
Years and years of trying, doing recommended diets, cutting out caffeine, cutting out alcohol, drinking a glass of wine to “relax”, exercising more, exercising less, taking medication, praying with tear stained cheeks…. always ending with the reminder & reassurance that GOD is in control of everything, no matter how hard I tried, pushed, kicked, screamed & cried. God is faithful in every season, regardless if it’s how we pictured it all working out.